Well, it's been way too long since the last time I posted a blog. Where did the time go? I was making lots of ceramics to be truthful. That, struggling through a relationship, hosting a college friend for a week at the end of September and planning a retreat for all of the PCVs here in CR which took place for three days over Halloween. A good time was had by all but I am kinda glad it is over and I can focus on my barrio some more. At least for the next month when I´ll be making a Stateside appearance for 30 days. Cannot wait to see my best friend Carrie who I have not seen in two years, family and other friends. Be sure to contact me after the 10th of Dec. so we can get together.
Last week while I was in the capital city, I got my wallet stolen out of my bookbag. No fun. Bastards charged $327 to my debit card at home. It was just a royal PITA trying to recover the contents and file police reports. That was a lesson learned for sure. Never keep anything of value on your back in your backpack while walking through the city. Now this may seem like an obvious piece of advice but, when you go there repeatedly every month for an entire year and you're always cautious and nothing happens, you start to get comfortable and forget that you're not invincible. Personal items in your front pockets baby!
Really, that's all I have to report for now. Be sure to check back next month when I will have internet access 24/7 and will be able to write about the culture shock I am experiencing.